April 27, 2014

DIY: Headpiece Spring flowers

diy flowers

What you need:

  • Spring flowers
  • Scissors
  • Thin wire



April 7, 2014

My Parfois hat

             I've always loved hats, but unfortunately not all models benefit me. 
        Luckily for me, a few years ago I found that some models from Parfois 
          looks great on me and from that moment my hat collection has grown                                                                        dramatically each year!!!
                           What do you think: this model fits me or not??

Dintotdeauna mi-au placut palariile dar din pacate nu toate modele ma avantajeaza. 
Spre norocul meu, am descoperit ca unele modele de la Parfois imi stau foarte bine si de atunci colectia mea de palarii a crescut simtitor an de an!!! 
Ce credeti, acest model mi se potriveste sau nu???


March 16, 2014

DIY Inspiration - 3D Flowers

 Image from newfaszhion.com

 Inspirationvintage shorts 

Inspiration: River Island skirt

InspirationNancy Gonzalez satchel

Inspiration: Dare to DIY blog

I love flowers and I love this new trend with three dimensional flowers,
I think it's very romantic, 
and I can't wait to do my first DIY project with 3D flowers!


March 12, 2014

DIY shoes-Playing with insects

What you need:

glue gun
plastic insects
gold spray 
a pair of black loafers

I really prefer this version ... they seem so simple and trendy


March 10, 2014

Lovely instants!

This week was all about Oscars...

We are in springtime!

Turned a black spider in gold for future DIY projects

 A simple pair of black loafers turned into a pair of fashionable shoes


February 5, 2014

Finding Leopards

leopard print

Every time I visit a city I like to go home with a little souvenir. 
My biggest pleasure is to collect fridge magnets but often I take home with me a pair of shoes, a purse, earrings or any other accessory that can remind me of that place. This is what happened even this time 
when I visited the capital of Croatia, Zagreb. 
I saw in a shop window a Tosca Blu bag which I liked very much, but as it was very cold outside, I think the leopard print booties and scarf I bought from H&M have been a more inspired choice.

De fiecare data cand vizitez un oras imi place sa ma intorc acasa cu cate o mica amintire. Placerea mea cea mai mare e sa colectionez magneti de frigider dar de cele mai multe ori iau acasa cu mine si o pereche de pantofi, o poseta, cercei sau orice alt accesoriu de imbracaminte care sa-mi aduca aminte de locul respectiv. Asa s-a intamplat si de aceasta data cand am vizitat capitala Croatiei, Zagreb. 
Am vazut in vitrina unui magazin o poseta de la Tosca Blu care mi-a placut foarte mult, 
dar cum afara era foarte frig cred ca cizmulitele si esarfa cu imprimeu de leopard de la H&M 
au fost o alegere mult mai buna.

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