August 15, 2013

Big butterfly shirt!

colorful shirt

 bright colors,


I found this shirt in the window of a small shop in Slovenia during the last holidays and I loved from the first moment.  If you combine a pair of pants or a skirt in a neutral color with the bright colors of this shirt you can easily have an outfit full of vivacity 
and the cut of this shirt help you to hide the extra pounds easily.
For me it turned out to be perfect in this period of the end of pregnancy 
and very easy to use. 

Am gasit aceasta bluza in vitrina unui mic magazin din Slovenia, in timpul ultimei vacante si mi-a placut din primul moment. Daca combini o pereche de pantaloni sau o fusta intr-o culoare neutra cu culorile vii ale acestei bluze poti avea cu usurinta o tinuta plina de vivacitate iar un alt atu al acestei bluze este croiala 
care te ajuta sa ascunzi foarte bine kilogramele in plus.  
Pentru mine s-a dovedit a fi perfecta in acesta perioada de sfarsit de sarcina!



  1. adorabila bluzita ,adorabila burtica! te pupp

  2. Wow is super colourful !! perfect to summer and spring


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