July 31, 2013

Flowers details!

summer sandals

Hi girls!

Flowers, a small accessory but so important this summer!

When I first saw this shoe I realized how a small flower details can give a different look to all items. 
It's such a small detail but it can change a lot any outfit.
Just put a small flower on your hat, on your bag or in your hair 
and you can have a summery air in a minute.

Florile, un mic accesoriu, dar atat de important vara aceasta!
Cand am vazut pentru prima data aceste sandale mi-am dat seama ca un mic accesoriu poate schimba foarte mult o tinuta, iar vara aceasta florile sunt in mare voga asa ca nu ne ramane decat sa folosim acest mic detaliu ca sa avem un aer estival. 

I would like to know if you like to use flowers to accessorize an outfit?


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